All e-books are accessible from Library Search. Most of our print books can be borrowed. Our printed books are arranged by subject classification.
Most books for Education are on Floor 4 of the Library in the 370-379 classmark range, or on Floor 5 (Social Sciences). There is also a Schools Collection on Floor 4 which consists of books to support children in the classroom. It includes picture books, junior fiction and non-fiction books. Material from the Schools Collection can be located from Library Search by selecting School Collection from the Library Location filter.
Most of our print books can be borrowed. If the book you want is on loan, you can place a Click and Collect request and you will get an email when it comes back.
Use our online reading lists to find key readings for your modules. Link directly to an e-book, scanned chapter, or the library catalogue with information about where to find the book in the Library.
For items not available in the library, use our document supply service.
Request articles, books and chapters for your research.
Order new books, borrow inter-library loans, digitise articles and chapters, request postal loans.
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