The Politics, Philosophy and Law book collections are arranged by subject classification in the Library.
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Use our online reading lists to find key readings for your modules. Link directly to books, ebooks, book chapters, journal articles and other resources.
Very Short Introductions
A collection of 800+ ebooks from Oxford University Press providing concise introductions to subjects across all academic disciplines, including 100+ politics, 120+ philosophy, and 50 law titles. Written for undergraduate students, each book introduces key concepts and essential knowledge in the field.
Past Masters
A collection of full-text primary sources, including the complete works/letters/journals of some key individual authors. Includes scholarly complete editions or selections from classical texts in politics, philosophy and law.
Law Trove
A collection of 200+ e-textbooks published by Oxford University Press on law. Features key titles supporting the undergraduate law curriculum, including legal system, legal skills, and revision and exam guides.
Politics Trove
A collection of 50+ e-textbooks published by Oxford University Press on politics and international relations. Features key titles supporting the undergraduate politics and international studies curriculum.
Oxford Bibliographies
A guide to scholarly literature across many academic disciplines, including philosophy, politics and international relations, and international law. Written for students and researchers of all levels, the articles combine encyclopaedia essays and annotated bibliographies.
Cambridge Companions Online
The Cambridge Companions to Philosophy and Religion collection features 250+ ebooks from Cambridge University Press. Written for students and researchers of all levels, each title features authoritative guides to key philosophers and philosophy topics.
Oxford Handbooks Online
A collection of 1,000+ ebooks from Oxford University Press providing authoritative essays across all academic disciplines, including 145+ politics, 100+ philosophy, and 75+ law titles. Written for students and researchers of all levels, each essay introduces key concepts, current research and future debates.
Oxford Scholarship Online
A large collection of research monographs and other scholarly publications from Oxford University Press. Featuring 4,000+ philosophy and 2,000+ law titles, and smaller collections of politics titles too.