Case Studies
A case study is a detailed study of a single subject (or small number of subjects) in a real world context. Case studies are a popular research method in business studies.
A business case study is a detailed study of a specific company or organization which examines how a business solved a problem, achieved success, or faced failure.
Case studies are usually provided by the department if they are used in teaching. If you wish to use additional case studies, please see recommended resources on this guide.
Business Source Ultimate
Business Source Ultimate is a research database for business and management, economics and finance, and marketing.
Business Source Ultimate provides MarketLine reports with 15,000+ company profiles, 5,500+ SWOT analyses, and 8,800+ industry profiles worldwide. It also includes case studies from Harvard Business Review and MarketLine, and 3,400+ full-text academic journals and trade magazines, including 39 of 50 titles from the FT50 business journals list.
Database training and support: Resource of the Month Training Video 2024 | Resource of the Month Training Video 2023
Case Centre
The Case Centre is an organisation dedicated to the case study research method in management studies.
The Case Centre makes selected case studies available free of charge. Includes case study collections from Blavatnik School of Government, Copenhagen Business School, Harvard Kennedy School, IÉSEG School of Management, International Institute for Management Development, MIT Sloan School of Management, Rotterdam School of Management, and Stanford Business School.
To access free materials, you will need to create a personal user account. Please note, the library does not have an institutional subscription to Case Centre, so we cannot access subscription content, or pay for case studies not available in the free content.
Sage Business Cases
Sage Business Cases provides access to over 3000 business cases for insights into how businesses operate in the real world.
You can browse by discipline or geographical region or find cases from particular organisations. Enhanced cases include video, audio or data. Express Cases are shorter cases relating to business news.
Database training and support: Sage Business Cases Demo video
SAGE Research Methods Cases
SAGE Research Methods Cases is a collection of case studies on research methods
Find out how other researchers have applied research methods in their work. Filter by Discipline to find case studies of business and management research, or filter by Method to find case studies of case study research methods.
WARC is a global advertising and marketing strategy database from Ascential.
WARC is the World Advertising Research Centre database. It provides strategic marketing information including case studies, data, benchmarks, rankings and guidance on best practice for marketeers and strategists.
Database training and support: Resource of the Month Training Video | WARC Training Videos