Industry & Market Research
Industry and market research databases provide profiles and risk reports on industries, consumers and brands.
Industry profiles outline the current market,
50,000 full-text British standards + European and International standards that have been adopted as British standards.
Search for standards by keyword or standard number, or browse for standards using the relevant ICS code (International Classification of Standards).
The library does not have a subscription to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or American National Standards Institute (ANSI), or other standards agencies.
If you seek a standard not available via BSO, first search for the standard name and/or number in Library Search, to see if we have a print copy in our collection. If the standard is not available in the library, please contact your Research and Academic Support Librarian, who may be able to arrange purchase of a print copy.
Business Source Ultimate
Business Source Ultimate is a research database for business and management, economics and finance, and marketing.
Business Source Ultimate provides MarketLine reports with 15,000+ company profiles, 5,500+ SWOT analyses, and 8,800+ industry profiles worldwide. It also includes case studies from Harvard Business Review and MarketLine, and 3,400+ full-text academic journals and trade magazines, including 39 of 50 titles from the FT50 business journals list.
Database training and support: Resource of the Month Training Video 2024 | Resource of the Month Training Video 2023
IBIS World
IBIS World is a global industry (market research) report and risk ratings database.
IBIS World provides 12,000+ industry (market research) reports and 400+ industry risk ratings for key countries in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific including the UK, Ireland, Germany, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Industry Reports present key statistics and analysis on the market, operating conditions, current and forecast performance. and major industry participants. Risk Ratings present a risk score based on analysis of operating conditions, industry structure, revenue outlook and key trends.
Database training and support: Resource of the Month Training Video
Mergent Online
Mergent Online is a global company information database from FTSE Russell, with a focus on companies in the USA.
Mergent Online provides company profiles, financial data and analysts reports for 22,500 US public companies, 45,000 US private companies, and 33,000 non-US companies. Find information for individual companies and/or create reports on groups of companies using in-built screening tools. Access analysts reports from Investext tab, and industry and sector reports from the Industry Analysis tab, and country profiles and risk reports from Country Insight tab.
Database training and support: Database support available via Help menu
Mintel is a market research database for consumer and retail industries in the UK.
Mintel provides market research reports and data on the consumer and retail industries in the UK, including market research reports, expert insights, and news items. Market research reports include an overview, analysis of the market, consumers and brands, and key research data. Consumer data and analytics based on Mintel research are also available in interactive databooks.
Database training and support: Mintel Help Centre
Passport is a global market research database from Euromonitor International.
Passport provides market research data and reports on a range of industries, products, consumers and economies. Search by keyword or browse the menus to explore analysis and statistics.
Database training and support: Resource of the Month Training Video | Passport Help Guides and Videos
Statista is a global statistics and market research database.
Statista provides statistics, reports and outlooks on 150+ countries and regions, 170+ industries and markets, and consumers and brands. It is an excellent starting place for finding business and industry statistics and data.
Database training and support: Resource of the Month Training Video | Getting Started with Statista
WARC is a global advertising and marketing strategy database from Ascential.
WARC is the World Advertising Research Centre database. It provides strategic marketing information including case studies, data, benchmarks, rankings and guidance on best practice for marketeers and strategists.
Database training and support: Resource of the Month Training Video | WARC Training Videos