Country & Region
Country data presents key demographic and macroeconomic statistics for a country or region. Key indicators include population, birth/death rate, life expectancy, unemployment, GDP, debt, exchange rates, interest rates, inflation, balance of payments.
Country profiles present an overview of the social, economic and political situation of a city, country or region. They include key statistics on population, education, employment, finance, health and trade.
Country risk reports and risk ratings present analysis of the social, economic and political conditions in a city, country or region, along with recommendations on the opportunities and risks of conducting business in a particular area.
World Bank Open Data | World Bank DataBank | World Bank Microdata Library
Global financial and development data from the World Bank
Search for data by country or world development indicators. Create own statistical tables, charts and reports from World Bank data using Data Bank. Access International Debt Statistics (IDS) and Global Findex Database on financial inclusion and access to financial services.
IMF Data | IMF Data Portal | IMF eLibrary
Global economic and financial data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Data Portal includes International Financial Statistics, Government Financial Statistics, and Balance of Payments. eLibrary includes flagship series: World Economic Outlook, Regional Economic Outlook, Global Financial Stability Report, IMF Staff Country Reports, Working Papers and Policy Papers.
OECD Data | OCED.Stat Portal | OECD Publications
Economic, financial and social statistics, data and pubications from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Includes OECD reports, research papers and policy briefs, economic indicators and outlooks.
Our World In Data
Open access visualisation of global social, health, economic, political and environment data from Global Change Data Lab
Uses research data to answer global problems. Browse articles by Topic, or search for articles by keyword.
Statistical Abstracts of the World & Statistical Abstracts of the US
Compendium of social, political and economic statistics for 40 countries across the world. Presents official statistics from national and international agencies in a single interface. Also includes UN Demographic Yearbook and World Development Indicators.
Country and regional reports from Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) ViewsWire including country data, factsheets, briefings, economic indicators, economic and political outlooks, and risk analysis.
Available via AI/INFORM Global > Menu > Browse > EIU ViewsWire. Either search for reports, or browse by subject, country or publication date.
Business Source Ultimate
Country profiles from Marketline providing PEST and PESTLE analysis (political, economic, social, technological, legal and environment); Country risk reports from Fitch Solutions (formerly BMI Research) and IHS Markit (S&P Global).
Available via Business Source Ultimate > Search = Country Name > Publication Type = Country Report.
Europa World Plus
Country, regional and organisational profiles from Europa World Year Book and Regional Surveys of the World.
Includes geographic, demographic, social, political and economic statistics and reports, plus directories on government, society and business.
Search or browse by region, country or international organisation. Also access comparative statistics for countries and regions.
Mergent Online
Country economic profile and risk reports from Dun & Bradstreet including annual Country Insight Report and monthly Country Insight Snapshot featuring D&B country credit risk and rating outlook; country, regional and global insight; and detailed coverage of country risk.
Available via Mergent Online > Country Insight menu > expand Region-Country menu > select Country.
Profiles of 210 countries and regions across the world from Euromonitor International. Country Reports include Economy, Finance and Trade reports and PEST Analysis (political, economic, social and technology), and related reports and statistics.
Available via Passport > Economies menu > Economy Finance and Trade menu > Analysis = Country Report > Category = Economy, Finance and Trade > Geography = Country
Country and regional reports and outlooks from Statista. Country Profiles presents key socio-economic statistics for countries and regions across the world. Country Outlooks provides analysis of the economy, labour force, business environment, digital economy, society, public sector, environment and health of 160 countries.
Available via Statista > Reports menu > Country and Region Reports or Statista > Outlooks menu > Country Outlook. Alternatively, search for country or region and limit to Studies & Reports > Markets & Countries > Country, City or Outlook.
World Factbook
Open access profiles of 266 countries, regions and oceans across the world from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Includes maps, flags, photographs, history, geography, politics, economy, society, and transnational issues. Also enables user to build and download tables of comparable data.