Macroeconomic data is large-scale aggregated data providing information at global, regional or national level, and includes word development indicators.
World Bank Open Data | World Bank DataBank
Find macroeconomic data by country and indicator. Including economic indicators e,g, GDP, GNI, inflation and employment; and social indicators e.g. birth, death and mortality rates, life expectancy, education, literacy, and health.
IMF Data | IMF Data Portal
Find macroeconomic and financial data including World and Regional Economic Outlooks (GDP, import/exports employment, government finance, balance of payments) and International Financial Statistics (GDP, exchange rates, interest rates).
UN Data Portal
Find macroeconomic and social data including GDP and GVA, balance of payments, exchange rates, import, export and balance of trade, consumer price index, population, education and health statistics.
OECD Data | OCED.Stat Portal
Find macroeconomic and social data for OECD member counties including GDP, national accounts, household accounts, foreign direct investment, international trade, exchange rates, population, migration, employment, wages and health care.
Eurostat | Eurostat Database
Find macroeconomic data for the European Union region and member states (including European Economic Area and Switzerland). Including national accounts, exchange rates, interest rates, balance of payments, population, migration, labour market.
UKDS: UK Data Service
Find key sources of international macrodata from the UN and OECD including IEA Energy, IMF Balance of Payments, IMF International Financial Statistics, IMF World Economic Outlook, OECD Economic Indicators, World Bank Development Indicators.
Penn World Table
Comparable time-series data for the national accounts (production, income and prices) of 183 countries worldwide from 1950 onwards including GDP, development accounting and growth accounting.
BIS Statistics
International banking and financial statistics from the Bank for International Settlements including international banking, debt securities, credit, global liquidity, derivatives, foreign exchange and property prices.
UN Comtrade Database
Global trade data from the United Nations featuring monthly and annual trade (goods and services) statistics across 200 countries. Also includes International Trade Statistics Yearbook (ITSY) and data visualisations. Login to bulk download data.
Economics Observatory Data Hub
Explore and create visualisations of global economic data from official sources. Data Hub is an interactive tool from the Economics Observatory which makes economic data more accessible.
ABS: Australian Bureau of Statistics
CSO: Central Statistics Office
Stats NZ
ONS: Office for National Statistics
ESCOE: Historical Data UK
US Census Bureau | US Census Bureau Data Portal