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Warwick Business School : Financial & Markets

Guide to business resources at University of Warwick Library. Includes books, journals, news, databases, referencing, research support and business librarian.

Business and Economics: Financial Data


Image of computer screen with stock market graph


Financial databases provide information about financial markets including individual equities, market indexes, constituent lists, fixed-income securities, currencies and foreign exchange rates. and commodities.

Find information using in-built screening and charting tools, and excel add-ins.

Login to financial databases with your University IT number (U-number) and password (unless otherwise stated).

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Departmental/School Databases

Bloomberg logoBloomberg

Bloomberg is a global company, financial markets and news database.

The Library does not have a subscription to Bloomberg, but the Department of Economics and Warwick Business School have their own subscriptions, for use by their students and researchers only.

Students are advised to complete the Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC) course before using the Bloomberg database. 

All enquiries about Bloomberg should be directed to your Department/School:


Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) is a research data, analytics and computing platform. WRDS provides business and finance data from many commercial vendors.

The Library does not have a subscription to WRDS, but the Warwick Business School has a subscription for use by their postgraduate students and researchers only.

All enquiries about WRDS should be directed to the Warwick Business School.

Capital IQ

S&P Global logoCapital IQ 
Capital IQ is a global company and financial markets database from S&P Global.

Capital IQ provides company and financial data on 62,000 public companies and 4,400,000 private companies (including merger and acquisitions), and S&P equity indices worldwide. Find information for individual companies and/or create reports on groups of companies using in-built screening and charting tools. An excel add-in can be downloaded on personal Windows devices (not University or Mac devices). 

  • On first time use, sign-up to create a Capital IQ account with your email address. Click on New User and complete the registration process. Thereafter, login with your email and Capital IQ password.
  • Note, the Library has a subscription to Capital IQ only (not Capital IQ Pro).

Database training and support: Resource of the Month Training Video | Capital IQ User Guides

Financial Times
Online daily edition of the Financial Times newspaper (London).

FT Markets Data provides overview of and alerting service to global financial markets data, including equities, currencies, commodities, bonds, funds and financial news. Access via First time users, complete the data privacy agreement and FT registration. Afterwards, login is via the university's single-sign-on authentication. Download the Business News app from Apple or Android stores. 

Finaeon (Global Financial Data)

Finaeon logoFinaeon (Global Financial Data)
Finaeon (formerly Global Financial Data) is a database of current and historical global economic and financial data.


Finaeon provides current and historical time-series data for global economics and financial markets. It includes equities, indices, constituent lists, exchange rates and commodities, and macroeconomic development indicators including GDP, government debt and international trade.

  • On first time use, sign-up to create a Finaeon account with your email address. Click on Register and complete the registration process. Thereafter, login with your email and Finaeon password.

Database training and support: Resource of the Month Training Video

IBFD Tax Research Platform

IBFD logoIBFD Tax Research Platform
IBFD Tax Research Platform is a guide to foreign domestic taxation from the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD)

IBDF Tax Research Platform provides guides to the taxation of companies and individuals in countries across the world. Including country tax guides, tax tables, journal articles and news items. Click on the Search menu to view available resources.

Refinitiv Eikon

Refinitiv Eikon logoRefinitiv Eikon
Refinitiv Eikon is a global company, financial markets and news databases from LSEG.

Refinitiv Eikon provides company and financial data for global companies including environment, social and governance (ESG) and merger and acquisitions (M&A). It also provides current and historical financial markets data including individual equities, stock market indices, fixed-income securities, currencies, commodities and futures for both international and domestic markets. Find information for individual companies/indices and/or create reports on groups of companies/indices using in-built screening and charting tools, and an excel add-in.

  • The library's Refinitiv Eikon terminal can be used by all University students and researchers. 
  • Refinitiv Eikon is available on-campus only, with one pre-bookable terminal on Floor 1 of the Library.
  • You are advised to pre-book the Refinitiv Eikon terminal using the library's booking form
  • Additional Refinitiv Eikon terminals are available in the Warwick Business School, for use by WBS students and researchers only.

To access Refinitiv Eikon:

  1. Login to the Refinitiv Eikon PC with your University IT number and password.
  2. Wait and allow all applications to open before proceeding.
  3. Double click the Eikon icon and wait for the Refinitiv Eikon database to open.

The Refinitiv Eikon login is automatic. Do not enter an Eikon username and password. If the login fails, close all applications and try again. You may require several attempts to login to Refinitiv Eikon. If you require assistance logging into Refinitiv Eikon, please see local notices at the terminal and/or contact the library helpdesk. 

Database training and support: Training videos and Certification available via LSEG Learning Centre