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Classics and Ancient History: General

Annee philologique

Annee philologiqueAnnee philologique

Indexes journals, books, dissertations, and book reviews in the areas of: ancient Greek and Latin language and linguistics; Greek and Roman history, literature, philosophy, art and music, archaeology, religion, mythology, science, and more. The scholarship concentrates on the second millennium B.C. to roughly 500-800 A.D.

Alternative link if the main link does not work.

Arts & Humanities Citation Index

Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)

Part of Web of Science, this is a multidisciplinary index covering the journal literature of the arts and humanities. It fully covers 1,144 of the world's leading arts and humanities journals.

Cambridge Companions

Cambridge Companions logoCambridge Companions

Cambridge Companions Online brings together lively, accessible introductions to major writers, artists, philosophers, topics and periods.

EBSCOhost ebook platform

EBSCOhost logoEBSCOhost (E-Book platform)

Warwick subscribes to approximately 2200 multi-subject e-books (mostly business and humanities).

Humanities Index

Humanities Index logoHumanities Index

Formerly known as British Humanities Index, this is a general index in the arts and humanities, containing annotated references from humanities journals and weekly magazines published in the UK and other English speaking countries, as well as quality newspapers published in the UK.

Ingenta Connect

Ingenta Connect logoIngenta Connect

A database of current article information taken from more than 17,000 multidisciplinary journals



Contains full text archive of important scholarly journals (generally does not contain the most recent three years). It also includes 800+ e-book titles from a wide variety of disciplines published digitally by university presses from 2013. JSTOR now includes over 1 million ARTSTOR images.


Oxford Bibliographies

Oxford Bibliographies logoOxford Bibliographies

Oxford Bibliographies provides annotated subject bibliographies and research guides providing an up-to-date overview of the most recent and authoritative scholarship in a given field.

Project MUSE

Project MUSE logoProject MUSE

E- journal and e-book platform offering access to scholarly titles from several American university presses. Those e-journals Warwick has access to are marked with a green ticked circle. When browsing subject collections use the 'Only content I have full access to box'. Warwick has access to the Project Muse open access e-books.

Why Use Databases?

Image shows student using a laptop

Databases for Classics and Ancient History provide access to a huge range of primary source archives and secondary sources online. They allow you to search and access material without having to travel to archives and can bring material from across different archives together under a theme. They can also provide character recognition, full-text search, transcripts along with supporting contextual analysis, accompanying essays or tools such as timelines to help you make sense of the material you are working with.