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Economics: Study Skills

Guide to economics resources at University of Warwick Library. Includes books, journals, databases, study skills, referencing and economics librarian.

Economics - Study Skills

Economics banner

Study Skills

Study skills encompasses the academic and professional skills which enable you to succeed at university.

Study skills includes reading, note-taking, critical thinking, planning, writing, referencing, presentation, revision and examination skills. For economics students, they might also include mathematics and statistics.

This guide highlights a range of study skills courses, events and books available to economics students on transition to university, for assessments and examinations, and for dissertations and theses.

Library Online Courses

Library book graphic

Library Online Courses

The library has a range of self-study courses to support study skills from library inductions for new students, literature searching, academic writing, plagiarism and referencing, to mindfulness and meditation.

Study Skills Books

How to Succeed at University book cover
Study Skills Handbook book cover
The Business Student's Guide to Study and Employability book cover
Essential StudySkills book cover
Academic Skills Handbook book cover
Student Mindfulness book cover
Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates book cover
Critical Thinking and Persuasive Writing book cover

Dissertation and Thesis Books

Doing Your Research Project book cover
Essential Guide to Doing Your Research Project book cover
Succeeding Dissertation book cover
Business Research Methods book cover
Essentials of Business Research Methods book cover
Book cover
PhD Writing Handbook book cover
Doing a Phd book cover
Doing Economics book cover

Info Skills for Economists Tutorial

Moodle iconInformation Skills for Economists


Information Skills for Economists is the University of Warwick Library's self-study Moodle course.

It introduces students to different types of academic information, and shows you how to find, use and reference them using a range of library and economics databases.

Moodle iconEconomic Data Workshops

As part of the EC331: Research in Applied Economics module, the librarian ran a series of workshops: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics and Company and Financial data. Video recordings are available below [10 minutes].

Academic and Research Skills

Study Skills

Study Skills

Discover a range of library and study skills guides including how to study, how to think critically, and how to write essays and prepare for examinations.



Discover how to avoid plagiarism, how to use the Harvard referencing style, and how to manage references with EndNote referencing software.

Stock market data on laptop


Discover the range of research databases for business, economics and financial reports, statistics and data.

Typewriting spelling out word Research

Research Support

Discover the library's support for researchers including literature searching, reference management, research data management, open access and publishing and research metrics.